Thursday, July 10, 2008

From the crutch to the cane to the highwire

"Nothing is more desirable than to be released from an
but nothing is more frightening than
to be divested
of a crutch." - James Baldwin

So lately I've been thinking about independence. Boggles the mind why, given the facts: Friday was good old America Day, better known as the 4th of July; my leg is freshly liberated from its immobile status dictated by one green [tyrannical] cast; and I have regressed back to the time in life where I first learned how to walk. Except this time, I'm way less cute, and have a much greater distance to fall if gravity decides to stick it to me.

I have a 9-month old nephew who learned how to crawl this week. This morning, he managed to crawl out of my sister's room all the way down the hall and fall down the first set of stairs in their split-level staircase. He's still essentially made of rubber, as babies are, so he was totally fine apart from being a little scared. However, he was powerless to actually get back up the stairs. He couldn't just stand up and walk himself back to where he started. He was essentially helpless. He can eat food by himself, but he can't prepare it. And he sure can't walk.

I never thought I'd have so much in common with a 9-month old baby boy. He is basically the most adorable thing in the world, so maybe it's not so bad to have so much in common.

So what can I do, you ask? I can blog.